

Heidelberg Oldie
Frühling 2018


Heidelberg Oldie Frühling gathering of South Germany Veterans

6th edition of Heidelberg Oldie Frühling, organised by TSV Rugby Oldies and their Manager Christian Kalkhof,  gathered last Saturday veteran players from Munich, Rottweil, Pforzheim, Stuttgart, Konstanz, Mannheim, Frankfurt  and Heidelberg clubs.

TSV Oldies invited all the  players to be their guests at this traditional EVRA Series event in the Stronghold of German Rugby . . .

The host team of TSV Oldies with the "new" generation of veterans (among which also former Internationals and First Division players)  played a "three-halfs game" versus "South Germany Selection".

Young veterans had shown the variaty of moves that made the Game interesting not only for the players, but also for the spectators who wanted to spend this "summer afternoon" together with their friends on- and off- the field . . .

Christian Kalkhof, the Tournament organiser commented the end of this Game with the following words: "Nach dem Spiel zischte das erste kühle Bier durch die durstigen Kehlen und die Spieler trafen sich zum Gruppenfoto unter den Stangen. Noch lange wurde auf dem Platz fachgesimpelt, bevor es unter die Duschen ging . . "

Sucking porkling with potato salad, followed by "some quantity" of beer "crowned" the usual Third Halftime, where rugby friends on the Club terrace spent the time together until late in the evening . . .

During this pleasant evening sport souveniers had been exchanged among the teams.

The Oldest Player - Roy Francis (71) HRK Oldies 1872. e.V. had been awarded with the special made EVRA EU Series plaques (see photo - Roy on the rightt, Christian on the left) . . . as well as the Tournament Organisers TSV Rugby Oldies.

Take some Event impressions looking at the Photo Gallery . . .

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